Its original format was intended for the month of December but is really one that can last all year long, not just during the holidays. It can be completely tailored to any ones needs, which is why I love it so much. It can be made as big or as small as one would desire, and can be made out of paper envelopes, pretty scrapbook paper, or even fabric (fabric would be ideal to help with durability and longevity). After the envelopes are made they can be adhered to a piece of wood or fabric (and then hung with dowels on the top and bottom to maintain the shape). Putting pieces of paper with activity suggestions in each envelope is perfect for any child or adult to grab one out and get to having fun!
I will (provided I can find a few spare minutes here and there!) be making mine out of fabric. I'll use a neutral base fabric to sew all of my coordinating fabric envelopes to. Some of my envelopes will have fabric with a simple but nice design that will be able to go with all of the major holidays. I'll leave them plain with only the number of the day on them. The other envelopes will have have a more neutral fabric that will have little velcro pieces on the front of them so that I can create little holiday accessory pieces (Valentines, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) and change them out with those corresponding holidays.
Yes, I have thought ahead to what I will do with the extra days of the month when all 31 days don't apply!! Along with all fun must come some work... The extra pockets will be conformed into chore pockets. I'll have a "Chores" velcro accessory that will be applied to the extra pockets, that way when it's chore time I don't have to be the mean one that assigns the chores! The kids will simply retrieve their own chores!
As soon as I finish my version of this Advent Calendar I'll post it! I hope you find inspiration from this belated Humpday Help/Funky Friday post...
Your slightly obsessed host,
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